Introductory Videos

Introduction to Survey Research (watch on YouTube)

David Joyner introduces Survey Research as part of Research Principles and Methodologies.

Joyner, D. & Udacity. (2016, June 6). Research Principles and Methodologies: Survey Research Introductory Video. Retrieved from

Introductory Resources

Survey Research

This is a brief synopsis of survey research as part of a larger research methods knowledge base.

Trochim, W. (2006, October 20). Survey Research. Retrieved from

Designing and Conducting Survey Research

These are the presentation slides used by Hannah Alford at the Santa Monica College Institutional Research workshop, Fall 2011. The presentation provides an overview of the survey method, then covers developing effective survey questions, administering the survey, and analyzing and reporting results.

Alford, H. (2011). Designing and Conducting Survey Research (PowerPoint slides). Retrieved from

3 Types of Survey Research, When to Use Them, and How they Can Benefit Your Organization!

This article describes the pros and cons of three types of survey research (including links to definitions) and when to use them0.

FluidSurveys Team. (2014, June 3). 3 Types of Survey Research, When to Use Them, and How they Can Benefit Your Organization! Retrieved from

Introduction to Survey Research

This page from Qualtrics introduces survey research and includes an essay by Scott Smith, PhD, on the qualities of a good researcher.

Qualtrics. (n.d.). Introduction to Survey Research. Qualtrics. Retrieved from

Survey Research Design

This is a section in a course on research design. It covers survey research design topics such as questions, methodology, questionnaires, and analysis.

Shuttleworth, M. (n.d.). Survey Research Design. Retrieved from Explorable at

Exploring the factors affecting MOOC retention: A survey study

This is a very good example of how to design a survey to study about MOOC.

Scholarly Readings

Survey research: we can do better

Survey research: we can do better was a temporary position funded by the JMLA. Summaries of papers are at the linked page. Search for the author or paper title for additional information.

Survey research: we can do better. J Med Libr Assoc. JMLA. Retrieved from :

Conducting Research Surveys via E-mail and the Web

Conducting Reseach Surveys via E-mail and the Web was a Survey conducted by the Rand Corporation Summaries of papers are at the linked page. Search for the author or paper title for additional information.

Conducting Research Surveys via E-mail and the Web. Rand Corporation. Retrieved from :

Innovations in Survey Research: An Application of Web-Based Surveys

Innovations in Survey Research: An Application of Web-Based Surveys. Summaries of papers are at the linked page. Search for the author or paper title for additional information.

Innovations in Survey Research: An Application of Web-Based Surveys. (2002) Social Science Computer Review. Retrieved from :

Survey Research

Survey Research was a temporary position funded at University of Chicago for the calendar year. Summaries of papers are at the linked page. Search for the author or paper title for additional information.

Survey Research. Penny Visser of the University of Chicago, Jon Krosnick of Stanford University, and Paul Lavrakas of the University of Chicago. Retrieved from :

Making a Good Survey

Designing good survey questions, and a good survey as a whole, is an often-studied science. Below are some resources on constructing good instruments for measuring what you want to measure.

Instrument Design and Development

Duke University online tips for creating surveys.

Tipsheets. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2017, from

Survey Design Tutorial

Use this tutorial to master the concepts of survey design.

Survey Design Tutorial. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2017, from

Survey Research - Creating Questionnaire Questions

Developing well-crafted questionnaires is more difficult than it might seem. Researchers should carefully consider the type, content, wording, and order of the questions that they include. In this section, we discuss the steps involved in questionnaire development and the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques.

Writing@CSU. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2017, from

Survey Research - Overall Design Issues

Four key issues should be considered when designing a survey or questionnaire: respondent attitude, the nature of the items (or questions) on the survey, the cost of conducting the survey, and the suitability of the survey to your research questions.

Writing@CSU. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2017, from

Sampling Tips

Sample design for educational survey research

These modules were prepared by IIEP staff and consultants to be used in training workshops presented for the National Research Coordinators who are responsible for the educational policy research programme conducted by the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ).

Ross, K. N. (1978). Sample design for educational survey research. Evaluation in Education. International Progress, 2(2), 105-195.

Survey Research: Choice of Instrument, Sample

From a sampling point of view, the key concern is having a large enough number of cases to minimize the variable sampling (standard) error in the estimates.

Burton, L. (2007). Survey Research: Choice of Instrument, Sample. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University-Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Methods of Survey Sampling

It is important to have a group of people who will participate in the survey and be able to represent the whole target population. This group is called a ?sample?. Determining the right kind and number of participants in a sample group, also known as sampling, is one of the basic steps in conducting surveys.

Sincero, S. (n.d.) Methods of Survey Sampling. Retrieved from:


For most of our national surveys of the general public, we conduct telephone surveys using a random digit sample of landline and cellphone numbers in the continental United States. Some of our surveys include additional, larger samples of subgroups, such as African Americans or young people (these are called ?oversamples?). We also occasionally conduct surveys of people in particular states or regions, where our sample is limited to residents of these areas. Pew Research Center also conducts international surveys that involve sampling and interviewing people in multiple countries. Lastly, we sometimes survey special populations, such as foreign policy experts, scientists or journalists. In all of our surveys, we use probability sampling to help ensure adequate representation of the groups we survey.

Sampling. (n.d.) Pew Research Center. Retrieved from:

Survey Sampling Methods

Web tutorial on survey sampling methods.

StatPac. (n.d.) Survey Sampling Methods. Retrieved from:

Survey Sampling Methods

Web tutorial on survey sampling methods.

Stat Trek. (n. d.) Survey Sampling Methods. Retrieved from: